Property Mapping Register Viewer

The Property Mapping Register Viewer is a web application which facilitates the registration and viewing of the State's property portfolio. The Register was put in place as a mechanism for sharing property-related information across the public service, in accordance with the Government's Public Service Reform Plan 2011. The primary purpose is to facilitate compliance with Circular 11/15 Protocols on the Transfer and Sharing of State Property Assets. The property information on the Register is provided by the State Authority holding the property and each State Authority is responsible for updating their own property data. Access is restricted to public service bodies and you can register as a user by contacting For more information on using the Property Mapping Register Viewer please read the user guide. Also please see the attached list of Property Managers for Local Authorities/Government Departments and other public organisations with significant property holdings.

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To improve service, occasional upgrade and development works may temporarily affect service. Users should be advised that website content, presentation and access may change without prior notification. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.